
Being the overall bodily coordination of the Character, this Statistic affects more skills than any other (Bow, Dodge, Melee, Throwing, Backstab, Pickpocket, Prowling, Pick Locks). The abbreviation for Dexterity is "DX".

Derived Statistics:

Armor Class - Chance to be hit.

Speed - The time between your next attack round and that of monsters. Also the attack delay of your weapon.

Other Effects[]

Dexterity is used to evade many of the magickal spells in the world of Arcanum. In general, a twenty-sided die is rolled, and the spell's effect is reduced or negated if the resulting number is less than the character's Dexterity plus or minus some fixed amount (which varies depending on spell).

Dex Ac Adjustment Speed
1 -9 1
2 -8 2
3 -7 3
4 -6 4
5 -5 5
6 -4 6
7 -3 7
8 -2 8
9 -1 9
10 0 10
11 1 11
12 2 12
13 3 13
14 4 14
15 5 15
16 6 16
17 7 17
18 8 18
19 9 19
20 10 25
21 11 26